This page is about my experiences in Living Beyond
Loss. It has on-line journal entries and
essays by both my wife and myself. In our
marriage, I and my wife have buried three children:
Jessica (February 12, 1986 to January
26, 1993), Courtney (February 16, 1992 to
December 26, 1993), and Robin (July
6, 1997 to August 31, 1997). I do not know much, but I do know
that life is more than loss.
My writing here is somewhat raw, written as we lived
things. It is about my grief, not my life, so it leaves things
out. For example, I worked for H. Deloyd Bailey and I had the
good fortune to work with Clifford Bridwell, yet they are not
mentioned here because they were not a part of my grief.
For example, as a result of writing and other things
I had done, a law school sent me a letter, asking me to
interview with them for a position. Someone else opened
the letter, did not pass it along to me, and showed up for the
interview, which did them no good --
all they managed
to do was steal something very valuable from me and burn
bridges, alienating people who had been my friends. Another person who knew about the event told me about it out
of guilt. I did not name anyone when I wrote about it,
their identities are not important to what was happening in my
life. The event was important, the names are not.
Perhaps, some
day, I will edit things more thoroughly, so that this is a
record of what happened, rather than what I perceived, more
dispassionate, fewer typographical errors or misspellings, less
raw grief and emotion, more calm facts. But, for now, this
is what I have written, this is still my record of my grief and
experiences in it.
Reflections (thoughts from having lived
through loss). (Used as the basis for a side bar for the Legal Practice
Management Article -- think of it as a FAQ) and my blog:
-- my on-line blog/continuation of on-line journal.
I am a great fan of Dr. Suzette Haden Elgin. In addition to her books,
I also recommend some books on grief and loss that I think might help.
[ Recommended Books ].
Remember, you can get all of these books through interlibrary
loan. My advice is to always check the books out at a library first,
when you are deep in loss you have better things to spend your money on.
Later, if a particular book worked for you, then you can buy it.