August 18, About the Wind River route

Ok. First the fires. Parts of the red line were closing and there were other problems popping up as we were getting ready to go back.

Then an aseasonable storm blew in with really cold wind.

As of August 18 there was heavy rain, with the temperature dropping to 26 degrees in the mountains where the trail was.

So glad I’m not there. Happy’s job wants her back ASAP.

So we started home instead of back to hike.

We told the lodge to just hiker box our box contents we left there.

(To “hiker box” something means to put it in the hiker box where all the stuff being made available for free to hikers goes).

Realize that the weather is strange and that predictions often switch, but we will hike more next year.

Happy and I have several times run into fire blocking us or gotten off trail to discover that fire hit where we were going to go.

I’m getting tired of fire seasons.

Essay about fire & the PCT

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