So we hiked into Elk Lake

The weather was warming up and we had planned on doing only sixteen miles.

Elk Lake was where we hitched into Bend from last year and then flipped up to Timberline to get around the Elk Lake fires and the Lionshead closure.

The pattern of blowdowns continued.

Snow was melting and after the initial water carry there was plenty of water.

Trail was mostly good.

As we broke into the alpine meadows it began to get hot and the ground was very dry.

Finally we began the final decent to Elk Lake.

At this point we had left the lake (and the mosquitoes) where we had planned to stop behind and were headed into a twenty-four mile day.

The early start got us into Elk Lake just in time to get one of their three PCT hiker campsites.

Then we had our last dinner on the trail.

Last year we had flipped to Timberline from here. The Elks Lake fires and the Lionshead closures had hikers scattering all over. So this year hiking into Elks Lake meant we had finished Oregon.

Too bad the wedding at Elk Lake was so noisy.

We were able to buy showers and sleep some and then got up early to hitch a ride into Bend. We eventually succeeded with a really good guy who drove us to the airport were we picked up a rental car.

Drove up to Kris & Ken’s place and got our bear canisters and stopped by Trout Lake for our resupply boxes there.

Trout Lake still had its Taco Truck. It also had showers and laundry available and we were ahead of the bubble.

Happy’s summary of the same day. (Link has pictures).

We left our campsite next to Minnie’s Spring early this morning. We thought we would do an easy day and hike maybe 15-16 miles and then camp next to some random lake. Swimming was the goal. We had a pretty good pace this morning and did faster miles than we expected.

Suddenly, doing some more miles and getting into Elk Lake Resort seemed like a good idea. 25 miles later, we are at Elk Lake Resort. I am asking myself if the effort was worth the goal. My knee continues to ache. But, it works, so I keep making it do its job. Today was not a good day for my knee.

Yesterday and today, on trail, included many lava fields, snow patches, many complicated blowdowns, a long water-less section and some beautiful views of the Three Sisters.

This last week, we did 150 miles in 6 days plus one morning. Three days ago, the day we arrived at the Big Lake Youth Camp, we were done hiking by 9 am. I’m not sure how to fit that into our daily mileage. That is the “plus one morning.” For us, this remains a solid week. Right now, I am absolutely and completely exhausted.

Elk Lake Resort is our “finish spot.”
As of this afternoon, we have completed all of the PCT. We have hiked all of Washington, Oregon and California from Canada to Mexico — except for a 200 mile section of the Sierra. That will be next. There is still a lot of snow in the Sierra and the creeks that will need to be crossed are all at flood stage due to the current spring melt. They had over 300% of their normal snow amounts this year. That snow-mass is now melting. Two essential bridges were destroyed this winter. We plan to go down and hike what we can. If we turn back, at least we can say that we tried. If we do not get those miles done this year, we will get them done next year. That being stated, we would like to get that section done this year.

I’m Happy discussing hitching into Bend.

Happy on the Trail discussing what is next.

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