Gear photograph

Most of my gear including altitude sickness pills.
Gloves, mittens, bug net and alternative camp shoes. My gloves I got on the trail and they are in a camouflage pattern that blends in with the rug.
Hat, sunglasses and my back-up sunglasses —I only hike with one set of sunglasses.
Four of our five canisters. We only carry one each.
Ice axes and hiking poles

Not pictured are my microspikes, telephone, wallet, and my permits in a zip lock. The two platypus reservoirs for long water carries run a total of three ounces.

These pictures includes all the gear I wear. for the bottle cap replacement I use. These don’t break or wear out like the smartwater lids do.

I’ve gone back to two buffs instead of a buff and a beanie.

Pseudo crocs are 7.9 ounces and the water sandals are 13.1 ounces. I carry one or the other, not both and sometimes neither. All of it fits in my pack (shown with shoulder pocket, pack it out zip locks and a night bottle).

I also carry two extra scrunchies as a backup in case my wife loses hers.

Camp shoes are more important on the Appalachian Trail where almost all hostels have you leave your shoes at the door. On the PCT they were not as important.

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