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Ten Week Training Program
Class/Facilitated Planning
Campus Mediation
This class covers the options and approaches for campus mediation centers and also includes significant planning elements for a campus program and a facilitation approach for the specific application of starting a program on your campus.
Students will be assigned to work in teams and to prepare a term project (using Ready-Set-Go) and report as well as several interim reports.
Textbooks for Students:
Ready-Set-Go: A Technical Assistance Manual for Creating and Maintaining a Campus Mediation Center written by Bill Warters is available from MTDS for $10.00. (Call (313) 577-5313 to order)
Managing Campus Conflict Through Alternative Dispute Resolution is a recently released publication (August, 1999) from the Center for Legal Information, Inc., the publisher of Lex Collegii, a quarterly legal newsletter for independent higher education. This manual analyzes and assesses alternative dispute resolution systems available to the college campus. It focuses on widely accepted forms of alternative dispute resolution, how they work, and their application to the collegiate environment. The manual includes data to evaluate options and determine how processes can be adapted to a particular institution and environment. Appendices of policies and forms that can be used for arbitration, mediation, grievance processing, and ombudsman systems is provided. Detailed bibliographies on higher education and dispute resolution are included. The manual costs $60, and is available by mail from College Legal Information, Inc., P.O. Box 150541, Nashville, Tennessee 37215-0541. Email: info@collegelegal.com
for Instructor:
Mediation in the Campus Community, William C. Warters, Jossey-Bass, ISBN 0-7879-4789-X
Roomates in Conflict: Peer Mediating Student Disputes (with manual), NCC Dispute Resolution Center, 708-637-5157
Boundaries: Sexual Harassment. John Haynes, 781-674-2663
A collection of resources will be identified for the students to obtain via the library or internet for reviews and reports (as groups).
Class One: Preface
Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the Instructor's manual.
Term Project explained, interim projects noted.
Two: Introduction
First facilitation session
Each student introduces themselves, who they are, what they hope to accomplish in the class, who they are connected to and who they represent.
Groups assigned to students/students assigned to groups.
First project assignments: identify core planning group candidates (who they should report to, who they should work with as working groups, who might be in the group itself), identify allies and recruitment strategies (three page report).
Pages 43 to 53 of the Instructor's manual.
Three: Focus
Chapter 3 of the Instructor's manual.
Initial Scope, trial run at Statement of Purpose (to be revisited, handled as a facilitation exercise with group), issues discussed.
Lecture on the 4 models, advisory committee theory.
Oral presentation of reports from last class assignment, open discussion following reports on advisory committee candidates (not on the subject of the reports!),
Lecture: support and space considerations, prepare for future lessons.
Assignment: Readings on transformative mediation, internet materials to report on for next class (3 page reports).
Class Four: Transformative Mediation
Transformative Mediation
Guest speaker (Chris Gilbert has someone who can do a two and a half hour presentation). Followed by oral reports on papers (in order to help them contrast what they thought they knew with what they have just been taught).
Assignment: rewrite papers for next class.
Class Five: Design and Considerations
Recap Instructor's Manual Chapters 1-3, discuss and lecture on Chapter 4.
Mediator Pool considerations, criteria considerations, applying criteria, afterward, consider example (4.1), Mediation Format considerations, format, style (transformative vs. others, and discuss the difference between mediation and facilitation). Videos used.
Assignment: review other programs (visit web sites, etc.) and report (3 page).
Six: Outreach
Start class with oral presentations of reports. Open discussion for 15 minutes.
Instructor's Manual Chapter 6.
Remind class of term project and encourage them to meet on it.
Class Seven: The Program
Revisit Chapter 5, Lecture Chapter 6 (45 minutes-50 minutes).
Facilitated Whiteboard Discussion on Chapter 6 materials (45-60 minutes).
Saturday Project: Visit UNT program
Class Eight: Making Adjustments/Getting Feedback
Lecture: Making adjustments (Chapter 7).
Assignments: Reports on Kellogg Foundation Handbook (from web), Reports on Evaluation Texts (from Library), students to prepare a report of their resource and to synthesize a format from their textbook materials (in Managing Campus Conflict Through Alternative Dispute Resolution).
Class Nine: Avenues for Growth
Oral presentations on reports.
Distribute synthesis from each group to others.
Lecture from Chapter 8 of Instructor's Text.
Remind that term projects due next class.
Class Ten: Wrap-up
Each group presents its term project. Break.
White board discussion of concepts.
Final Session: Saturday Meeting
Facilitated planning meeting seeking a consensus for a plan for your campus.
This Website is by Stephen R.
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