Tegurumaotoshi (Hand Wheeling Drop)

Tegurumaotoshi can also be called Osotoguruma (Major Outside Wheel).

It is a counter throw used against sideways movement. It focuses on strong Kuzushi and full use of the entire body. It can be extremely effective.

First Session: Practice Deashiharai and Hariatsurikomiashi (foot sweep and sweeping dropping ankle). A good review.

Second Session: Review Sumiotoshi (Corner Drop) and Ukiotoshi (Floating Drop). These Tewaza are good for a powerful review. The class should have focused on Taiotosi for a few randori sessions prior to this lesson.

Third Session: Practice Yokogake (Side Drop), Ukiwaza (Floating Throw, Side Sacrifice) and Sumigaeshi (Dropping Corner Throw).

Fourth Session. Practice Hizaguruma, Kosomata (as a sideways moving throw: Uke moves sideways, pulling Tori who steps with Uke, slightly past Uke and through Uke, executing the throw to the side) and Okuriashiharai.

Fifth Session: Now practice Yokuware, Yokogake and Ukiwaza.

Sixth Session: Practice Okuriashiharai (Side Sweeping Ankle) and its variants, moving left and right, especially with the standard move left three times and throw, move right three times and throw.

Seventh Session: Tewaza again, especially Ukiotoshi and Saseatsurikomashi entered from moving sideways and Hizaguruma.

Eighth Session: Introduce Osotoguruma. As Uke moves sideways, Tori drops to the floor as in Yoko-otoshi. Tori's left foot props, reminiscent of Sosaetsurikomiashi, but with Kosotogari's vigor. Tori's right leg executes as in Sumigaeshi, and Tori's hand focus with the Tewaza Kuzushi of Ukiwaza. This is a very vigorous throw, with Tori hanging all of his weight hard, with no upwards bounce.

As Tori hangs, Tori props Uke's right leg to prevent a shift by Uke to recapture balance. Tori's strong Tewaza assures good Kuzushi. Tori's right leg reaches in to lift Uke's left leg (between the ankle and thigh) and guides and encourages Uke's movement.

At the end of the throw, Tori must pull hard to throw Uke clear of Tori's body and to level Uke square to the mat for a clean Ippon to finish the throw. The clearing pull can also be used to start Tori rolling over Uke as Uke hits for an immediate pin.

Ninth Session: Continue to work the elements, with Tori hanging well out and hard to Tori's left and forward, strongly forcing the leftwards vector. Enter the throw with Uke starting the movement as in preparing a strong Okuriashiharai (a favorite tournament movement and throw of many upper division students).

The counter is intended to hit hard at any strong sideways movement as soon as it is initiated. Introduce the Honshi (reverse direction) version briefly, so that Tori can think about countering movement to the left or the right.

Session Ten: Honshiosotoguruma. This time work strongly executing against movement to Tori's right. Especially focus on executing as Uke starts Okuriashiharai.

Session Eleven: Randori with focus on Pendulum Leg and Major Outside Wheel against vigorous movements and telegraphing.

Review (two months later): Hit all the side sacrifice variants, then review Osotoguruma in context with Ukiotoshi and the side sacrifice throws.

Final Review (six months later): Review sideways moving props, sweeps, loin throw (Kosotomake) and reaps. Then Osotoguruma in response to setting up each of these throws.

Ashibari Tegurumaotoshi Eri Seoi Age Copyright 1997
Stephen R. Marsh

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It has been brought to my attention that "the name osotoguruma is used popularly in some circles for a throw resembling osotogari (including in the book Kodokan Judo), but sweeping both of uke's legs, which is not a sacrifice."  As a result, Tegurumaotoshi is much less confusing a name to use.