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Useful Publication List (for an updated book list see

I've been asked to recommend books on mediation for people.  I have three that I think are extremely useful -- though I have specific places were I disagree with each.

The first is NITA's The Art of Mediation, available directly from Notre Dame's Law school at 1-800-225-6482 (ISBN 155681-483-6).  It is basically the text and charts for teaching a forty hour "court annexed" type mediation course.  It provides the basics about mediation as it is practiced by attorneys and mediators in civil law suits.

The second is Mennonite Conciliation Service's Mediation and Facilitation Training Manual (Third Edition) which can be ordered by telephone at 1-717-859-3889. This gives you an insight into traditional (non "court annexed") mediation as it was practiced in a historical context.  I should note that the methods and techniques presented in the Manual are far more successful and effective than some of the "traditional" approaches (for more on those, you can always read the Icelandic Saga of Burn Njal).

The third is Dr. Suzette Haden Elgin's How to Turn the Other Cheek and Still Survive in Today's World, Thomas Nelson Publishers ISBN 0-7852-7249-6.  I really see Dr. Elgin's discussion as covering the topics and material that will be the next wave of training and focus in mediation skills training.  By reading her you will be five to ten years ahead of the field.  Many of the points she makes are ones I very much agree with.

Current, easy to find books that can be ordered on-line include:


Otherwise, here is the booklist:

In Association with

NITA:  The Art of Mediation (the link goes to a review of the book)

Program on Negotiation

Mediation Monthly
POB 6161, Rockford, IL  61125

Mennonite Conciliation Service
MCC, 21 South 12th Street, Box 500
Akron, PA  17501-0500

Texas Lawyer

Suzette Haden Elgin

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